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My name is Spencer, and this is who I am.

 I am a soon-to-be tenth grader, and I aspire for many things. I wish to learn to cook thoroughly, I have an interest in becoming a pharmacist, and I love technology and am interested to see where it is going and how it will affect our lives.


 I also am an honor student at my school, and I have the second highest academic average in my computer class.

I've been interested in cooking for a long time (around 4th grade) when my family inspired me to cook.

I've heard recently that being a pharmacist makes a good living, and I have been interested in going into this in the future.

I've had a computer for as long as I can remember. Since my family is very reliant on computers, I've had no choice but to know about them. I also enjoy other technology, such as phones, tablets, macs, etc.




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